As a part time supervisor of a globally known shipping company, the reject chute is something I have to monitor nightly. If something is broken, damaged, too big or too small to go through normal sorting means, the tender throws it down the reject chute for me to sort through.
I’ve submitted many stories and books over my years to publishers, hoping the next submission would be the one to make enough money for me to write for a living, which is really the only job I want to be doing.

Spoiler alert. It hasn’t worked yet. I make too much money for government food aid, but not enough money to actually buy food! I finally got a promotion at the shipping company so now the courts are garnishing my wages. Yay! No food and I make 10$ more than before the promotion. Sweet.
What? You want me to get to the point?
First… remind me what the point was. My ADHD is crazy out of control right now. When you are poor, simple access to mental or physical healthcare is hard, especially since I think a lot of art is driven by some neurodivergent leanings. That’s why they call some of us ‘starving artists.’ Good enough to create art, but not people oriented enough to do anything with it once we are done with a project.
Oh, Yeah! I remember my point!
I’m making a new place for my all my projects that have been rejected over the years, for your amusement, perspective on how much my writing has changed over the years, and insight into how many wrongs it takes to finally make a right. We’ll call it research to help anyone out there just starting out, getting reject after reject. It hurts. But we all have to deal with rejection.
Just keep trying.